
The Department of Languages offers preparatory English seminars at a lower (XP04A1) and higher (XP04A2) level.

  • The aim of the higher level course (XP04A2) is to prepare students for using mainly scientific English in both the spoken (i. e. to prepare and deliver a presentation, to be able to define, to describe, to use arguments, to explain, etc.) and written forms (e. g. preparing a scientific paper), as well as for gaining information effectively by both listening and writing.
  • The aim of the higher level course (XP04A1) is to practice general English in order to become more confident in communication, listening, and more complicated grammar structures, so that the students is sufficiently prepared to use English in practice.
  • It is possible to adjust the content of seminars according to the participants’ level and requirements.

Seminar requirements

  • Completing tasks assigned by the teacher during the semester (e. g. tests, written or spoken assignments, etc.);
  • Instruction time: 2+2 teaching hours a week per semester (1 teaching hour = 45 mins)
  • Level: Students choose their level individually according to their needs and capabilities.

All Ph.D. students have the right to take the chosen seminar more than once.


Last update : 6.3.2024, webmaster: