Language lessons - basic information on studying languages

 All FEE students are required to pass an English exam at a  B2 SERR level by the end of the bachelor stage of studies. Any exceptions are only those students who are holders of international certificates from a recognized exam. 1st year FEE students (other than holders of international certificates which are the result of a recognized test - see above; although, they may still attend courses) pass the mandatory placement test on the day of enrollment for studies (or, on an alternative date agreed upon with the Head of the English Department). The level achieved on the placement test is entered into the system by the students, and specific courses are also chosen, and enrolled in, by the students themselves.

The following possibilities may occur:

1) The student wants to attend English language classes at the recommended levels offered by the FEE Department of Languages

a) it is necessary to register the course  in the electronic system (KOS)

b) ) it is necessary to register it in the schedule - each student registers themselves


Credited = advance to the next follow-up course

Uncredited = one option is that an authorized teacher can amend it during the exam period. If a student fails, it is recommended they repeat the same level in the next semester or prepare themselves independently for a higher level (see point 3)

!!! The Department of Languages is not responsible for any problems caused by a lack of independent preparation, whether or not a student over or under estimates themselves, nonappearance for makeup test, hardships with timing of study schedule, etc. !!!

2) The student begins attending a course, but for various reasons stops going to the course and prepares independently

Both a) and b) from point 1 apply

Result: Excluding the possibility of amendment. The student is recommended to repeat the same level in the next semester or prepare independently for a higher level (see point 3)

!!! The Department of Languages is not responsible for any problems caused by a lack of independent preparation, whether or not a student over or under estimates themselves, nonappearance for makeup test, hardships with timing of study schedule, etc. !!!

3) The student attends courses organized by the FEE Department of Languages and is preparing for the exam independently

a) from point 1 applies

The student must (if 81 percent or more was not achieved on the placement test during enrollment, or has not received credit for the course B0B04B12) pass B0B04B1K (graded credit) in the dates offered in KOS (for further info see the Important information section below)

!!! The Department of Languages is not responsible for any problems caused by a lack of independent preparation, whether or not a student over or under estimates themselves, nonappearance for makeup test, hardships with timing of study schedule, etc. !!!

Important information:

1) Changes in registering for the course (e.g. a change in a particular course) are possible no later than the 2nd week of the semester

2) For the test in English Language prerequisites must be fulfilled - graded credit - see and have the exam for the English course B0B04B2Z registered in KOS


Information for students – foreigners, who want to study in Czech language  - here.


Last update : 10.5.2024, webmaster: